Circular Product Design: Addressing Critical Materials through Design

Autor: Bakker, C.A., den Hollander, M.C., Peck, David, Balkenende, A.R., Offerman, Erik
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Critical Materials: Underlying Causes and Sustainable Mitigation Strategies
Critical Materials
DOI: 10.1142/9789813271050_0009
Popis: For product designers, the world has traditionally been one of resourceabundance. Introducing them to a resource-constrained world thusrequires new design strategies. This chapter explores how embeddingcircular economy principles into design practice and education couldhelp product designers take critical material problems into account. Weintroduce four product design strategies that address materials criticality:(1) avoiding and (2) minimizing the use of critical materials, (3)designing products for prolonged use and reuse, and (4) designingproducts for recycling. The ‘circular’ strategies (3) and (4) areelaborated, as these sit most firmly within the remit of product design.This leads to a typology of circular product design that redefines productand material lifetime in terms of obsolescence, and introduces a range ofapproaches to resist, postpone or reverse product and materialobsolescence. The typology establishes the basis for the field of circularproduct design, bringing together design approaches that were until thisdate unconnected and paving the way for the development of detaileddesign methods.
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