A gait training suggestion for lengthening gastrocnemius-soleus muscles: suggestion from the field

Autor: Christopher E. Duncan
Rok vydání: 1989
Zdroj: Physical therapy. 69(9)
ISSN: 0031-9023
Popis: Burns on the posterior lower extremity from the popliteal space to Achilles tendon areas often result in an atypical standing posture and gait pattern. During the acute care hospital stay, the patient frequently assumes a stance position of excessive knee flexion and ankle plantar flexion because of pain splinting or soft tissue shortening, or both (Fig. 1). This burn distribution frequently results in a temporary shortening of the gastrocnemius-soleus muscles. The abnormal stance translates into a familiar gait pattern of absent heel-strike in addition to decreased stride length, weight bearing,1 and duration of stance phase on the involved lower extremity. Furthermore, the pattern may be observed before and after skin grafting is performed. Early intervention is important because a patient is more likely to have optimal results after skin grafting if full active range of motion was attained during the pregrafting phase of burn rehabilitation.1…
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