Loricella profundior

Autor: Sirenko, Boris
Rok vydání: 2021
ISSN: 2013-5998
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4923613
Popis: Loricella profundior (Dell, 1956) (Figs. 1, C, D, 2–7) Paricoplax profundior Dell 1956: 157, figs. 213–219; O’Neill 1987: 134; Xu 1990: 377. Loricella profundior, Beu 1967: 478; Fitzgerald 1969: 23; Beu 1977: 42; Powell 1979: 25; Kaas 1990: 178 (in part); 1991: 22 (in part); Kaas et al. 2006: 67 (in part); Spencer et al. 2009: 197. Loricella oviformis, Kaas 1985: 310 (in part, not Squamophora oviformis Nierstrasz, 1905). Sinolorica profundior, Xu 1990: 377. Type material. Holotype (NMNZ M972), not seen. Type locality. New Zealand, Chatham Islands, off the Forty Fours, 238 m. Material examined. Tonga Islands, Tongatapu, N/O “Alis”, BORDAU 2 stn CP1510, 21°05.5’S, 175°23’W, 461–497 m, 1 spm (MNHN-IM-2013-59980), BL 11.5 mm, 31.05.2000; stn CP1545, 21°17’S, 175°17’W, 444–447 m, 1 spm (MNHN-IM-2013-59981), BL 9.0 mm, 05.06.2000; stn DW1628, 23°22’S, 176°18’W, 400–416 m, 2 spms (MNHN-IM-2013-59982, MNHN-IM-2013-59983), BL 8.0–11.0 mm, 19.06.2000; New Zealand, southern Kermadec Ridge, Rumble V volcano, RVTangaroa, 36°8.80’S, 178°12.20’E, 772–951 m, 1 spm (NMNZ M.319774), BL 18.0 mm, 23.05.2001; Chatham Rise, RVTangaroa, 42°35.15’S, 179°10.57’E, 602 m, 1 spm (NMNZ M.183839), BL 11.5 mm, 29.12.2003. Distribution. New Zealand (238–772 m: Dell 1956 and this study), Tonga (416–461: this study). Remarks. Specimens from Tonga and New Zealand are very similar to the holotype (NMNZ M972) in shape and structure of the shell. Dorsal scales have grooves near the edge of the distal part. Aspecimen (NMNZ M.319774) from New Zealand (BL 18 mm) has a dorsal elevation of 0.27, slit formula 12/1/sinus + 8 obsolete, 18 gills on each side, and the nephridiopore and gonopore arranged between 4–5 and 5–6 gills accordingly counted from the last one. Aspecimen (MNHN-IM-2013-59983) from Tonga (BL 11 mm) has dorsal elevation of 0.31, slit formula 14/1 (rare 2)/sinus + 5 obsolete (valve II has two slits in one side), 16 gills in each side extending from valve IV to valve VII, nephridiopore and gonopore arranged between 4–5 and 5–6 gills accordingly counted from the last one, and a radula 1.6 mm long with 38 transverse rows of mature teeth. L. profundior is very similar to L. scissurata, but differs from the latter in having grooves on the dorsal scales near the edge of the distal part (vs pits on the dorsal scales in L. scissurata) and a shorter postmucronal area. L. profundior differs from L. eernissei in having grooves on the dorsal scales near the edge of the distal part (vs smooth dorsal scales in L. eernissei)
Published as part of Sirenko, Boris, 2021, Composition of the genus Loricella (Mollusca: Polyplacophora: Loricidae) and the description of two new species, pp. 275-300 in Zootaxa 4981 (2) on pages 278-281, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4981.2.4, http://zenodo.org/record/5045888
{"references":["Dell, R. K. (1956) The archibenthal Mollusca of New Zealand. Dominion Museum Bulletin, 18, 1 - 235, figs. 1 - 265.","O'Neill, M. H. B. (1987) Lepidozona beui n. sp. (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) from New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 14, 131 - 134, figs. 1 - 3. https: // doi. org / 10.1080 / 03014223.1987.10422690","Beu, A. G. (1967) Notes on New Zealand chitons. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 1, 475 - 481. https: // doi. org / 10.1080 / 00288330.1967.9515220","Fitzgerald, M. L. (1969) Notes on New Zealand chitons with particular reference to those of the Tauranga area. Poirieria, 5 (2), 21 - 32.","Beu, A. G. (1977) New Zealand chitons. Cookia, 2 (2), 36 - 53, figs. A - S.","Powell, A. W. B. (1979) New Zealand Mollusca. Marine, Land and Freshwater shells. Collins, Auckland, Sydney and London, xiii + 500 pp., 121 figs., 82 pls., maps.","Kaas, P. (1990) New species and further records of known species of Polyplacophora from the tropical western Pacific. Basteria, 54, 175 - 186.","Kaas, P. & Van Belle, R. A. & Strack, H. L. (2006) Monograph of living chitons. (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) 6, Suborder Ischnochitonina (concluded): Schizochitonidae; Chitonidae. Additions to Vols. 1 - 5. Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, 463 pp.","Spencer, H. G., Marshall, B. A. & Willan, R. C. (2009) Recent Mollusca. In: Gordon, D. P. (Ed.), New Zealand inventory of biodiversity. Vol. 1. Kingdom Animalia: Radiata, Lophotrochozoa, Deuterostomia. Canterbury University Press, Christchurch, pp. 196 - 219.","Kaas, P. (1985) 13. On some little-known chitons from the tropical western Pacific Ocean. Notes on Loricata (Mollusca) 11 - 14. Zoologische Mededelingen Leiden, 59 (25), 309 - 314.","Nierstrasz, H. F. (1905) Die Chitonen der Siboga-Expedition. Siboga Expeditie, 48, 1 - 112, pls 1 - 8."]}
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