Our colonoscopic polypectomy experience in the tertiary hospital endoscopy unit

Autor: Recayi CAPOGLU, Emre GÖNÜLLÜ, Zulfu BAYHAN, Bahaeddin Umur AKA, Emre SABUNCU, Merve YİĞİT, Adem SENTURK
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Volume: 6, Issue: 3 231-235
Journal of Biotechnology and Strategic Health Research
ISSN: 2587-1641
DOI: 10.34084/bshr.1205030
Popis: Objective: The aim of this study is to present our experience with colon polyps detected during colonoscopy in our endoscopy unit.Methods: The files of patients who underwent colonoscopy and at least one polyp detected with colonoscopy in our endoscopy unit between March 2016 and March 2018 were reviewed retrospectively. Results: We included 428 patients in the study. While 96 (22.4%) polyps were located in more than one colon segment,102 (23.8%) polyps were located in the rectum, 108 (25.2%) in the sigmoid colon, 33 (7.7%) in the descending colon, 41 (9.6%) in the splenic flexure, 25 (5.8%) in the transverse colon, 2 (0.5%) in the hepatic flexure, 33 (7.7%) were in the ascending colon, 20 (4.7%) were in the cecum. Conclusion: The compatibility of our polypectomy results with the literature can be considered as an indicator of the quality of colonoscopic examinations performed in our clinic.
Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı endoskopi ünitemizde kolonoskopi sırasında saptanan kolon polipleri ile ilgili deneyimimizi sunmaktır..Yöntem: Endoskopi ünitemizde Mart 2016-Mart 2018 tarihleri arasında kolonoskopi yapılan ve kolonoskopi ile en az bir polip saptanan hastaların dosyaları geriye dönük olarak incelendi.Bulgular: Çalışmaya 428 hasta dahil edildi. 96 (%22,4) polip birden fazla kolon segmentinde yer alırken, 102 (%23,8) polip rektumda, 108 (%25,2) sigmoid kolonda, 33 (%7,7) inen kolonda, 41 ( %9,6) splenik fleksurada, 25'i (%5,8) transvers kolonda, 2'si (%0,5) hepatik fleksurada, 33'ü (%7,7) çıkan kolonda, 20'si (%4,7) çekumdaydı.Sonuç: Polipektomi sonuçlarımızın literatürle uyumlu olması kliniğimizde yapılan kolonoskopik incelemelerin kalitesinin bir göstergesi olarak kabul edilebilir.
Databáze: OpenAIRE