Bundling, à la carte pricing and vertical bargaining in a two-sided model

Autor: Adam D. Rennhoff, Minghua Chen, Konstantinos Serfes
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Information Economics and Policy. 35:30-44
ISSN: 0167-6245
DOI: 10.1016/j.infoecopol.2016.03.001
Popis: a b s t r a c t We develop a two-sided market model with an upstream-downstream structure. More specifically, the platform consists of two rival upstream firms and a downstream monopo- list. Each upstream firm negotiates the input price (license fee) with the downstream mo- nopolist and also chooses the amount of advertising that is embedded in the good it sells to the downstream monopolist. The downstream monopolist can offer the two goods ei- ther on an al a carte basis or as a bundle. We use this model to understand the incentives to bundle and the welfare properties of bundling in a two-sided market framework. We also contribute to the ongoing debate on al a carte pricing in the TV industry, where the two upstream firms can be viewed as two rival TV networks and the downstream monop- olist as a cable operator. We show that an al a carte regulation will raise consumer surplus and downstream profit, while it will decrease the profits of the upstream TV networks.
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