Business Tourism Destination Competitiveness: A Case of Vojvodina Province (Serbia)

Autor: Uglješa Stankov, Dobrica Jovičić, Ivana Blešić, Desimir Bošković, Vanja Dragićević
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Scopus-Elsevier
Economic Research-Ekonomska istraživanja
ISSN: 1848-9664
DOI: 10.1080/1331677x.2012.11517510
Popis: The main purpose of this article is to create model of business tourism destination competitiveness and test it on the example of Vojvodina Province, tourist cluster in Serbia, where business tourism is defined as one of key tourist products. The paper aims to examine in which areas Vojvodina Province is more competitive as a business tourism destination and where it is less competitive compared to "competitive set" of three chosen destinations. Also, this paper aims to test relationships between destination competitiveness determinants in order to determine the weakest point of Vojvodina Province business tourism competitiveness, and specifically the position of destination management. The study results indicate that two determinants: destination management and destination policy, planning and development are the weakest points of Vojvodina Province competitiveness, while highest ratings are assigned to core resources and attractors determinant. The results will be most valuable in assisting destination management organizations, tourism policy creators and tourism practitioners to better understand identified destination advantages and problems in business tourism and general tourism development in Vojvodina Province, and to formulate strategies to effectively manage destination disadvantages.
Databáze: OpenAIRE