Інтродукція рідкісних представників родини Alliaceae в Кременецькому ботанічному саду

Autor: Olha Savytska, Tetiana Chubata, Viktor Chubatyi
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Науковий вісник Східноєвропейського національного університету імені Лесі Українки: Серія: Біологічні науки, Iss 1(389) (2020)
ISSN: 2786-5258
DOI: 10.29038/2617-4723-2020-1-389-5-9
Popis: The problem of conservation of rare plants is especially actual in the context of increased anthropogenic loading and reduction of their natural growth areas. One of the effective forms of protection of rare species at the moment is the introduction in the botanical gardens of endemics, relics, rare and endangered species to repatriate them to natural growth sites. The aim of this work is the introduction of rare species of the Alliaceae family. The methods of introduction has been used: ecological-historical and phylogenetic, climatic analogs, a transformation of biomorphs. Phenological observations has been made in order to conventional methods. The following plants of the Alliaceae family listed on the Red Book of Ukraine grow in Kremenets Botanical Garden: Allium obliquum L., A. strictum Schrad., A. ursinum L. Regionally rare species include: A. montanum F.W. Schmidt., A. podolicum (Aschers.et Grabby) Block. ex Racib., out of which two are relict plants with a disjunctive range. In terms of the beginning of the growing season, all species are early spring, in the duration of the growing season – short-growing, medium-growing and long-growing, respectively 1: 2: 2 species. The duration of flowering is dominated by medium flowering plants, long flowering and stretching flowering, which are represented by one species. The duration of the ripening of fruits and seeds is dominated by long-lasting seeds. The average duration of seed ripening ranges from 21 to 50 days. It is confirmed that the change in climatic conditions (increase in the sum of positive temperatures and rainfall) during the introduction of rare species prolongs the flowering phases and ripening of fruits and seeds. The practical result of the introduction is established. A. ursinum and A. strictum are classified as promising for cultivation in culture, the other species being particularly promising species of rare plants. This group of plants can be used to obtain seeds and promising starters for mass reproduction. The conservation of rare representatives of the Alliaceae family in the Kremenets’ Botanical Garden collection is 62,3%. The arrangement of conditions corresponding to the plants’ ecological optimum is likely to promote the successful introduction of rare species.
Databáze: OpenAIRE