Scaffolding students in non-routine problem solving environment: The case of two mathematics teachersRutin olmayan problem çözme sürecinde öğrencilerin desteklenmesi: İki matematik öğretmeninin durumu

Autor: Abdulkadir Erdogan, Emel Özdemir Erdoğan
Přispěvatelé: Anadolu University Scientific Research Projects Commission
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Journal of Human Sciences; Vol 14, No 4 (2017); 4850-4868
Uluslararası İnsan Bilimleri Dergisi; Vol 14, No 4 (2017); 4850-4868
ISSN: 2458-9489
Popis: The task of the teacher in designing learning environments and in guiding students throughout learning activities can be generally defined as scaffolding. Most of the students have difficulties in solving non-routine problems and cannot effectively use problem solving strategies. In this study, scaffoldings offered by the teachers for solving non-routine problems were examined using scaffolding techniques determined by Roehler and Cantlon (1997). Two mathematics teachers were participated in the study and the data were collected in an optional mathematics course for sixth graders via video-record of the teachers’ discourses on the solution of a same non-routine problem. The data were analysed using content analysis technique. The results showed that teachers intervened intensively in terms of scaffolding and the aims of these interventions mostly consisted of focusing students’ attention on the task and its accomplishment; while students centred techniques were less utilized. The results also showed that, although the scaffoldings provided by the teachers vary according to the way chosen for introducing the problem, they provided a dynamic and multi-dimensional scaffolding instead of adopting a fixed and unidimensional scaffolding. Extended English abstract is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file . Ozet Ogretmenin hedeflenen ogrenmelerin gerceklesmesi icin ogrenme ortamlarini olusturmasi ve ogrencilerin calismalarina rehberlik etmesi en genel anlamda ogrenme destegi veya kisaca destek olarak tanimlanabilir. Bu calismada ogrencilerin onemli guclukler yasadiklari, problem cozme stratejilerini etkin ve uygun bicimde kullanamadiklari rutin olmayan problemlerin cozumu icin ogretmenlerin sinif ortaminda verdikleri destekler Roehler ve Cantlon (1997) tarafindan belirlenen destek turleri cercevesinde incelenmistir. Calismanin verileri iki matematik ogretmeninin 6. sinif matematik uygulamalari dersi kapsaminda ayni rutin olmayan matematik probleminin ogrenciler tarafindan cozumu sirasindaki eylem ve soylemlerinin kaydedilmesi ile toplanmistir. Veriler icerik analizi ile cozumlenmistir. Calismanin bulgulari, ogretmenlerin yogun bir destek verme egiliminde olduklarini, ogrencilerin problemin cozumune ulasmalarini ve gorevden kopmamalarini saglayacak destek turlerini daha agirlikli olarak kullandiklarini ve ogrenciyi surecin merkezine oturtan destek turlerine daha az yer verdiklerini gostermektedir. Bulgular diger yandan ogretmenlerin desteginin problemin tanitilmasi icin secilen yaklasima bagli olarak degistigini ve ogretmenlerin sabit ve tek yonlu bir destek yerine cok yonlu ve dinamik bir destek yaklasimi benimsediklerini gostermektedir.
Databáze: OpenAIRE