Worldwide Organization of Neurocritical Care: Results from the PRINCE Study Part 1
Autor: | Suarez, J. I., Martin, R. H., Bauza, C., Georgiadis, A., Venkatasubba Rao, C. P., Calvillo, E., Hemphill, J. C., Sung, G., Oddo, M., Taccone, Fabio Silvio, Leroux, P. D., Layon, A. J., Sarwal, A., Ali, A., Lele, A., Jarquin-Valdivia, A. A., Misiewska-Kaczur, A., Ahmad, A., Deeb, A. M., Jabbary, A. A., Fathy, A., Chan, A., Kern, CHRISTOPH ALEXANDER, Gritsan, A., Bshabshe, A. A., Malek, A., Schiefecker, A., Neto, A. R., ALHAJJ HASSAN, Ali, Zahrani, A. R. A., Sukumaran, A. V., Sarma, A. K., Aneman, A., Kramer, A., Naidech, A., Lacerda Gallardo, A. J., Miller, A., O'Connor, A., Kim, A., Afshinnik, A., Katila, A., Paulson, A., Parra, A., Rosengart, A., Almemari, A., Sanchez, B., Ray, B., Mccrum, B., Tegedor, B. V., Nathan, B., Tan, B., Emanuel, B., Pfaulser, B., Nazliel, B., Gil, B., Hightower, B., Francis, B., Roberts, B., Chaudhry, B., Romero, C., Graffagnino, C., VANDEN BERGHE, GREET CLARA, Hobohm, C., Dias, C., Bradford, C., Basignani, C., Chang, C., Junker, C., Lazaridis, C., Mcarthur, C., Williamson, C., Hebert, C., Ethan Kahn, D., Harvey, D., Laskowitz, D. T., Milzman, D., Chung, D., Greer, D., Seder, D., Miller, D. W., Barge, D., Roberts, D., Jordan, D., Bhonagiri, D., Nair, D., Aggarwal, D. G., Kutsogiannis, D. J., Laiwattana, D., Pinto, D. B., Bautista, D., Perez, D., Herrera, E. A., Singares, E. S., Manno, E., Wilensky, E. M., Giraldo, E. A., Jenkinson, E., Yarad, E., Zavala, E., Tesoro, E., Eskiogly, E., Bershad, E. M., Rosenthal, E., Coronel, E. B., Gordon, E., Salgado, E., Poch, E. J., Eriksson, E., Taccone, F. S., Al-Suwaidan, F., Sorond, F., Bilotta, F., Goldenberg, F. D., Rosciani, F., Bass, F., Bernard, F., Julian, F. B., Rasulo, F., Rincon, F., Santos, G., Anderson, G., Henderson, G., Meyfroidt, G., Wong, G. K. C., Aguilar, G., Rodriguez-Vega, G., Tamayo, G., Johnston, G., Kapinos, G., Abrego, G. C., Paul, G., Xu, G., Domeniconi, G., Dugan, G., Murthy, H. H. K., Peled, H., Zraiki, H., Alvarez, H., Rodgers, H., Vaitkevicius, H., Schumacher, H. C., Kobata, H., Al-Jehani, H., Lopez Delgado, H. J., Olmecah, H. M., Madrinan-Navia, H., Tran, H., Seppelt, I., Schirotzek, I., Medary, I. B., Maldonado, I. L., da Silva, I. R. F., Hemphill III, J. C., Javier Provencio, J., Mora, J. E., Abdullah, J. M., Langdon, J. R., Claassen, J., de Oliveira, J., Shilkin, J., Horn, J., Teitelbaum, J., Frank, J. I., Fletcher, J. J., Berkeley, J., Andersson, KIM JIMMY, Kirkwood, J., Welbourne, J., Song, J., Domingues, J. R. S., Paxton, J., Falla, J., Lokin, J., Dissin, J., Bonomo, J., Martinez, J. E., Mejia-Mantilla, J. H., Ramirez-Arce, J., Palo, J. E., Moretti, J. I., Gonzalez, J. R. Y., Levine, J. M., Medow, J., Pou, J. A. L., Ciro, J. D., Paucar, J. L. C., Wright, J. C., Bosel, J., Martinez, J., Mijangos-Mendez, J. C., Chalela, J., Granillo, J. F., Sohal, J., Hirsch, K. G., Donaldson, K., Cummings, K., Hubner, K. E., Wartenberg, K., Goyal, K., Sheth, K., Kunze, K., O'Phelan, K., Sheehan, K., Altaweel, L., Cross, L., Barrachina, L. G., Kuisle, L., Connolyy, L. S., Tack, L., Johnson, L., Shutter, L., Pelunkova, L., Ramos-Gomez, L. A., Camputaro, L. A., Kamran Athar, M., Madhusudan, M., Hashmi, M., Mokhtari, M., Jibaja, M., Muller, M. C. A., Costilla, M., Mirski, M., Ochoa, M. E., Pegoli, M., Dujardin, M. -F., Allasia, M., Teran, M. D., Gorman, Michael Murray, Chapman, M., Amatangelo, M., Nagayama, M., Dickinson, M., Koenig, M., Moreda, M., Berman, M., De Georgia, M., Kuiper, M., O'Leary, M., Rodricks, M., Schneck, M., Torbey, M., Defilippis, M., Meeker, M., Allen, David Michael, Llano, M., Villalobos, M., Treggiari, M., Tuppeny, M., Sharaby, M., Kottapally, M., Mcnett, M., Mcbride, M., Gomez, M., Varga, M., Kumar, M., Yazbeck, M. F., Smith, M., Stevenson Porter, N., Hammond, N., Karanjia, N., Sokhal, N., Singhal, N. S., Badjatia, N., Maldonado, N., Ko, N., Marinoff, N., Hernandez Aguilar, Orisel, Krauchi, O. R., Sanchez, O., Gomez, O., Rivera, O. S., Gilvaz, P. C., Raffa, P., Varelas, P., Promsin, P., Merlani, P., Shushma, P., Allan, P., Biston, P., Vespa, P., Amorim, P., de Azambuja Rodrigues, P. M., Hopkins, P., Hantson, P., Vanamoorthy, P., Gupta, P., Garvin, R., Badenes, R., Damani, R., Helbok, R., Dhar, R., Rawal, R., Carandang, R., Guisado, R., Luengo, R. -I. G., Sajjad, R., Davis, R., Rison, R. A., Hoesch, R., Murillo, R., Smith, R., Ball, R., Beer, R., Reshi, R. A., Landry, R., Puvanendiran, S., Ansari, S., Mukaddam, S., Garg, S., Mishra, S., Clark, S., Napolitano, Silvano, Pattnaik, S., Vosylius, S., John, S., Josephson, S. A., Glickman, S., Brehaut, S. S., Shiraz, S. A., Aguilera, S., Sternberg, S., Chou, S., Vallance, S., Lasocki, S., Schoenenberger, S., Bird, S., Finfer, S., Shieber, S., Vadi, S., Samavedam, S., Cordina, S., Feske, S., Glassner, S., Dixit, S., Dowling, S., Tena, S. A., Bowling, S., Francken, S., Muehlschlegel, S., Renard, S., Poli, S., Carter, T., Bleck, T. P., Trim, T., Breitenfeld, T., Van Bui, T., Shukla, U., Sinha, V., Rajajee, V., Aiyagari, V., Mccredie, V., Svigelj, V., Verma, V., Rao, V. A., David Freeman, W., Smith, W. S., Videtta, W., Habre, W., Hall, W., Coplin, W. M., Abdo, W. F., Wittebole, X., Titova, Y. |
Přispěvatelé: | PRINCE Study Investigators, Layon, A.J., Sarwal, A., Ali, A., Lele, A., Jarquin-Valdivia, A.A., Misiewska-Kaczur, A., Ahmad, A., Deeb, A.M., Jabbary, A.A., Fathy, A., Chan, A., Kern, A., Georgiadis, A., Gritsan, A., Bshabshe, A.A., Malek, A., Schiefecker, A., Neto, A.R., Hassan, A., Zahrani, ARA, Sukumaran, A.V., Sarma, A.K., Aneman, A., Kramer, A., Naidech, A., Lacerda Gallardo, A.J., Miller, A., O'Connor, A., Kim, A., Afshinnik, A., Katila, A., Paulson, A., Parra, A., Rosengart, A., Almemari, A., Sanchez, B., Ray, B., McCrum, B., Tegedor, B.V., Nathan, B., Tan, B., Emanuel, B., Pfaulser, B., Nazliel, B., Gil, B., Hightower, B., Francis, B., Roberts, B., Chaudhry, B., Romero, C., Graffagnino, C., Berghe, C., Hobohm, C., Dias, C., Bradford, C., Basignani, C., Chang, C., Venkatasubba Rao, C.P., Junker, C., Lazaridis, C., McArthur, C., Williamson, C., Hebert, C., Ethan Kahn, D., Harvey, D., Laskowitz, D.T., Milzman, D., Chung, D., Greer, D., Seder, D., Miller, D.W., Barge, D., Roberts, D., Jordan, D., Bhonagiri, D., Nair, D., Aggarwal, D.G., Kutsogiannis, D.J., Laiwattana, D., Pinto, D.B., Bautista, D., Perez, D., Herrera, E.A., Singares, E.S., Manno, E., Wilensky, E.M., Giraldo, E.A., Jenkinson, E., Yarad, E., Zavala, E., Tesoro, E., Eskiogly, E., Bershad, E.M., Rosenthal, E., Coronel, E.B., Gordon, E., Salgado, E., Poch, E.J., Calvillo, E., Eriksson, E., Taccone, F.S., Al-Suwaidan, F., Sorond, F., Bilotta, F., Goldenberg, F.D., Rosciani, F., Bass, F., Bernard, F., Julian, F.B., Rasulo, F., Rincon, F., Santos, G., Anderson, G., Henderson, G., Meyfroidt, G., Sung, G., Wong, GKC, Aguilar, G., Rodriguez-Vega, G., Tamayo, G., Johnston, G., Kapinos, G., Abrego, G.C., Paul, G., Xu, G., Domeniconi, G., Dugan, G., Murthy, HHK, Peled, H., Zraiki, H., Alvarez, H., Rodgers, H., Vaitkevicius, H., Schumacher, H.C., Kobata, H., Al-Jehani, H., Lopez Delgado, H.J., Olmecah, H.M., Madrinan-Navia, H., Tran, H., Seppelt, I., Schirotzek, I., Medary, I.B., Maldonado, I.L., da Silva, IRF, Hemphill Iii, J.C., Javier Provencio, J., Mora, J.E., Abdullah, J.M., Langdon, J.R., Claassen, J., de Oliveira, J., Shilkin, J., Horn, J., Teitelbaum, J., Frank, J.I., Fletcher, J.J., Berkeley, J., Kim, J., Kirkwood, J., Welbourne, J., Song, J., Domingues, JRS, Paxton, J., Falla, J., Lokin, J., Dissin, J., Bonomo, J., Martinez, J.E., Mejia-Mantilla, J.H., Ramirez-Arce, J., Palo, J.E., Moretti, J.I., Suarez, J.I., Gonzalez, JRY, Levine, J.M., Medow, J., Pou, JAL, Ciro, J.D., Paucar, JLC, Wright, J.C., Bosel, J., Martinez, J., Mijangos-Mendez, J.C., Chalela, J., Granillo, J.F., Sohal, J., Hirsch, K.G., Donaldson, K., Cummings, K., Hubner, K.E., Wartenberg, K., Goyal, K., Sheth, K., Kunze, K., O'Phelan, K., Sheehan, K., Altaweel, L., Cross, L., Barrachina, L.G., Kuisle, L., Connolyy, L.S., Tack, L., Johnson, L., Shutter, L., Pelunkova, L., Ramos-Gomez, L.A., Camputaro, L.A., Kamran Athar, M., Madhusudan, M., Hashmi, M., Mokhtari, M., Jibaja, M., Muller, MCA, Costilla, M., Mirski, M., Ochoa, M.E., Pegoli, M., Dujardin, M.F., Allasia, M., Teran, M.D., Gorman, M., Chapman, M., Amatangelo, M., Nagayama, M., Dickinson, M., Koenig, M., Moreda, M., Berman, M., De Georgia, M., Kuiper, M., O'Leary, M., Rodricks, M., Schneck, M., Torbey, M., DeFilippis, M., Meeker, M., Allen, M., Llano, M., Villalobos, M., Treggiari, M., Tuppeny, M., Sharaby, M., Kottapally, M., McNett, M., McBride, M., Gomez, M., Varga, M., Kumar, M., Yazbeck, M.F., Smith, M., Stevenson Porter, N., Hammond, N., Karanjia, N., Sokhal, N., Singhal, N.S., Badjatia, N., Maldonado, N., Ko, N., Marinoff, N., Hernandez, O., Krauchi, O.R., Sanchez, O., Gomez, O., Rivera, O.S., Gilvaz, P.C., Raffa, P., Varelas, P., Promsin, P., Merlani, P., Shushma, P., Allan, P., Biston, P., Vespa, P., Amorim, P., de Azambuja Rodrigues, P.M., Hopkins, P., Hantson, P., Vanamoorthy, P., Gupta, P., Garvin, R., Badenes, R., Damani, R., Helbok, R., Dhar, R., Rawal, R., Carandang, R., Guisado, R., Luengo, R.G., Sajjad, R., Davis, R., Rison, R.A., Hoesch, R., Murillo, R., Smith, R., Ball, R., Beer, R., Reshi, R.A., Landry, R., Puvanendiran, S., Ansari, S., Mukaddam, S., Garg, S., Mishra, S., Clark, S., Napolitano, S., Pattnaik, S., Vosylius, S., John, S., Josephson, S.A., Glickman, S., Brehaut, S.S., Shiraz, S.A., Aguilera, S., Sternberg, S., Chou, S., Vallance, S., Lasocki, S., Schoenenberger, S., Bird, S., Finfer, S., Shieber, S., Vadi, S., Samavedam, S., Cordina, S., Feske, S., Glassner, S., Dixit, S., Dowling, S., Tena, S.A., Bowling, S., Francken, S., Muehlschlegel, S., Renard, S., Poli, S., Carter, T., Bleck, T.P., Trim, T., Breitenfeld, T., Van Bui, T., Shukla, U., Sinha, V., Rajajee, V., Aiyagari, V., McCredie, V., Svigelj, V., Verma, V., Rao, V.A., David Freeman, W., Smith, W.S., Videtta, W., Habre, W., Hall, W., Coplin, W.M., Abdo, W.F., Wittebole, X., Titova, Y., Intensive Care Medicine, ANS - Neuroinfection & -inflammation, Other Research, ACS - Pulmonary hypertension & thrombosis, UCL - SSS/IREC/MEDA - Pôle de médecine aiguë, UCL - (SLuc) Service de soins intensifs |
Rok vydání: | 2020 |
Předmět: |
Scope of practice Latin Americans medicine.medical_treatment lnfectious Diseases and Global Health Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences [Radboudumc 4] Pharmacists Critical Care and Intensive Care Medicine law.invention 0302 clinical medicine Clinical Protocols Central Nervous System Diseases law Observational study Epidemiology Neurocritical care Case report form Academic Medical Centers Intensive care unit Telemedicine Europe Intensive Care Units Prospective Transportation of Patients Neurology Practice Guidelines as Topic Critical care Outcomes Original Work Respiratory Therapy medicine.medical_specialty Asia Tomography Scanners X-Ray Computed Critical Care Health Personnel Oceania Respiratory therapist Neurosurgery Pharmacist Personnel Management Resource Allocation Middle East 03 medical and health sciences Physicians medicine Humans Fellowships and Scholarships business.industry Internship and Residency Neurointensive care 030208 emergency & critical care medicine Latin America Family medicine North America Neurology (clinical) business Delivery of Health Care 030217 neurology & neurosurgery |
Zdroj: | Neurocritical Care, 32, 1, pp. 172-179 Neurocritical Care, 32, 172-179 Neurocritical care, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 172-179 Neurocritical Care Neurocritical care. Humana Press Neurocritical care, p. [1-8] (2019) |
ISSN: | 1541-6933 |
Popis: | Introduction Neurocritical care focuses on the care of critically ill patients with an acute neurologic disorder and has grown significantly in the past few years. However, there is a lack of data that describe the scope of practice of neurointensivists and epidemiological data on the types of patients and treatments used in neurocritical care units worldwide. To address these issues, we designed a multicenter, international, point-prevalence, cross-sectional, prospective, observational, non-interventional study in the setting of neurocritical care (PRINCE Study). Methods In this manuscript, we analyzed data from the initial phase of the study that included registration, hospital, and intensive care unit (ICU) organizations. We present here descriptive statistics to summarize data from the registration case report form. We performed the Kruskal–Wallis test followed by the Dunn procedure to test for differences in practices among world regions. Results We analyzed information submitted by 257 participating sites from 47 countries. The majority of those sites, 119 (46.3%), were in North America, 44 (17.2%) in Europe, 34 (13.3%) in Asia, 9 (3.5%) in the Middle East, 34 (13.3%) in Latin America, and 14 (5.5%) in Oceania. Most ICUs are from academic institutions (73.4%) located in large urban centers (44% > 1 million inhabitants). We found significant differences in hospital and ICU organization, resource allocation, and use of patient management protocols. The highest nursing/patient ratio was in Oceania (100% 1:1). Dedicated Advanced Practiced Providers are mostly present in North America (73.7%) and are uncommon in Oceania (7.7%) and the Middle East (0%). The presence of dedicated respiratory therapist is common in North America (85%), Middle East (85%), and Latin America (84%) but less common in Europe (26%) and Oceania (7.7%). The presence of dedicated pharmacist is highest in North America (89%) and Oceania (85%) and least common in Latin America (38%). The majority of respondents reported having a dedicated neuro-ICU (67% overall; highest in North America: 82%; and lowest in Oceania: 14%). Conclusion The PRINCE Study results suggest that there is significant variability in the delivery of neurocritical care. The study also shows it is feasible to undertake international collaborations to gather global data about the practice of neurocritical care. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (10.1007/s12028-019-00750-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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