Incorporating International Environmental Legislation Into Power Plant Development

Autor: Dr. Herbert W. Cooper
Rok vydání: 1997
Zdroj: Distributed Generation & Alternative Energy Journal. :17-43
ISSN: 2156-6550
DOI: 10.13052/dgaej2156-3306.1242
Popis: N ew pow er plant installations are shiftingworld-wid e fast er than anyon e could have imagined, even twoy ear s a go , Acum en and ex pe r ie n ce d ev elop ed laboriously inth e U.S . is now in int ernational d emand. Dr, Coo pe r' s two-parts e r ies e x p lo r e s th e e n vir o n me n ta l legislati on which is int egralto thi s g lob a l d e v elopm ent.Part 1 r e vi ew s "E c o n o m i cs , En ergy and th e E n vi r o n -m ent " ... "E n v ir o n me n ta l Ov ervi ew of Pow er Plant Projects " ..." Envir onm ental Impact Is su es" ... and conclud es with "T h eR e gul at or s. "Part 2, to a p pe a r in th e Fall 1997 i ssu e , carri es on with"E nv i ro n me n t a l S t a n d a r ds " .. . " Mee t in g En vironm ental Re-q u i re m e nt s" ' .. " O b t a i n in g Environm ental P ermit s " ... and"T'r erid s. "
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