Some Considerations on Suborbital Flight in Europe

Autor: Jose Longo, Jean-Pierre Belmont, Juergen Starke, Philippe Novelli, Wilhelm Kordulla
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: 15th AIAA International Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference.
DOI: 10.2514/6.2008-2525
Popis: Sparked by the achievements of Scaled Composites with their SpaceShipOne flights in 2004, a study was proposed to the EC to look into corresponding capabilities and opportunities for suborbital flight in Europe. This study confirmed that space tourism is the major commercial driver for suborbital ballistic flight, unless the corresponding costs can be reduced substantially. The study considered a variety of issues to conclude that technical show stoppers to achieve suborbital flight iu Europe do not exist, assuming the composite configuration of an Airbus as carrier plane and a winged space plane as suborbital vehicle. A major stumbling block, except for the funding issues, remains to achieve permission to fly such vehicles in Europe.
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