Breast-conserving surgery with or without radiotherapy vs mastectomy for ductal carcinoma in situ: French Survey experience

Autor: Alain Fourquet, B. De Lafontan, Frédérique Penault-Llorca, Bruno Cutuli, Sylvie Lancrenon, R. Pioud-Martigny, C. Tunon de Lara, François Campana, S. Giard, E Mery, Hugo Marsiglia, A. Meunier, Claire Lemanski, Eric Fondrinier
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: British Journal of Cancer
ISSN: 1532-1827
Popis: From March 2003 to April 2004, 77 physicians throughout France prospectively recruited 1289 ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) patients and collected data on diagnosis, patient and tumour characteristics, and treatments. Median age was 56 years (range, 30–84). Ductal carcinoma in situ was diagnosed by mammography in 87.6% of patients. Mastectomy, conservative surgery alone (CS) and CS with radiotherapy (CS+RT) were performed in 30.5, 7.8 and 61.7% of patients, respectively. Thus, 89% of patients treated by CS received adjuvant RT. Sentinel node biopsy (SNB) and axillary dissection (AD) were performed in 21.3 and 10.4% of patients, respectively. Hormone therapy was administered to 13.4% of the patients (80% tamoxifen). Median tumour size was 14.5 mm (6, 11 and 35 mm for CS, CS+RT and mastectomy, respectively, P
Databáze: OpenAIRE