Autor: Liudmyla Sydoruk
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Науковий вісник Інституту професійно-технічної освіти НАПН України: Професійна педагогіка, Iss 2(19) (2019)
ISSN: 2617-1759
Popis: Relevance: the need to provide equal rights and create opportunities for the education of individuals with different educational needs at all educational levels including higher education as well. It is stated that the issues of realization of education continuity and lifelong learning have resulted the need for scientific, methodological and technical support of the educational process of higher education institutions in the conditions of inclusion. The purpose: the article analyzes the possibilities of the modern Internet resource – Classtime, online plat- form which was created to adapt the process of teaching mathematics according to the individuals’ needs and opportunities of higher education students in the conditions of inclusion. Мethods: analysis, synthesis and generalization. Results. Аfter having used the Classtime platform it has been determined that this service improves the quality of mathematics training for students’ higher education in inclusion and has several benefits for both teachers and students. The resource offers a wide opportunity to analyze each student’s learning activities and achievements, identifies the need for additional explanation and correction by the teacher depending on the actual state of material learning. Classtime platform is claimed to adapt the process of teaching mathematics to specific educational needs and to implement an individual approach to all higher education students by partially compensating for functional limitations caused by certain diseases, for example, for visually impaired people – increasing the size of ... Conclusions. Finally it is stated that scientifically proven and pedagogically aimed usage of modern Internet resources will allow students to fully participate in the educational process and create conditions for the implementation of their individual educational projects. The further perspective is to develop a methodology for mathematics teaching in the conditions of inclusion using information and communication technologies and to provide appropriate educational and methodological support.
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