Influence of atmospheric pollution on the lead content of wines

Autor: M. Barbaste, F. E. Grousset, P. Buat-Menard, S. Augagneur, B. Medina
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: Food additives and contaminants. 17(6)
ISSN: 0265-203X
Popis: Over the last century, the atmospheric fallout of anthropogenic lead has evolved with time, as a function of the chronological variability of transient lead inputs from both industrial and gasoline origins. This variability has been mostly documented over North America and northern Europe. In this study we used ICP-MS for the determination of lead isotope ratios and showed that a series of French wines followed the evolution of the environmental lead record over the last century. We observe the same three-step chronological evolution of the lead isotopic composition, which reflects a western European signal. In the post 1950 vintages, the lead isotope composition reflects a dominant atmospheric fallout. Since approximately 1950, Pb concentrations have been much lower than before, decreasing consistently from approximately 0.25 mg l-1 around the early 1950s, down to less than approximately 0.1 mg l-1 nowadays. Reflecting the airborne pollution, the lead isotopic signature is also specific of the continental origin of the wines and lead isotope ratios determination in wines appears to be a promising tool for certifying wine authenticity.
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