Feasibilty study of the participatory IMPROVEjob intervention for general practices as an example for microenterprises

Autor: Linden, K, Kasten, S, Degen, L, Eilerts, AL, Klidis, K, Seifried-Dübon, T, Werners, B, Rind, E, Pieper, C, Junne, F, Jöckel, KH, Rieger, M, Weltermann, B
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: 19. Deutscher Kongress für Versorgungsforschung (DKVF); 20200930-20201001; sine loco [digital]; DOC20dkvf021 /20200925/
DOI: 10.3205/20dkvf021
Popis: Background: The prevalence of perceived high chronic psychological strain is twice-fold as high among German general practice physicians and non-physician medical staff compared to the general population (Viehmann et al. 2017). The IMPROVEjob project develops a participatory, interdisciplinary and multimodal[for full text, please go to the a.m. URL]
19. Deutscher Kongress für Versorgungsforschung (DKVF)
Databáze: OpenAIRE