Possibilities of application Fintech in improving the organization administrative services provision by local authorities

Autor: Sambros A. Sergey, Oleksandr S. Balan, Lebedeva V. Vira
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3967435
Popis: The article is devoted to the coverage of the use of information systems in the field of public administration, namely the possibility of using FinTech technologies in the process of providing administrative services by local governments. The foreign experience of providing administrative services is analyzed, as well as prospects and all advantages of their introduction in Ukraine. The main advantages and disadvantages of these technologies and techniques are identified. Sufficient conclusions were drawn and suggestions were made regarding the improvement and implementation of new and old administrative services, as well as using other methods of information transmission.
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