Differential effects of BCG vaccine on immune responses induced by vi polysaccharide typhoid fever vaccination: an explorative randomized trial

Autor: Mihai G. Netea, Peter Aaby, Reinout van Crevel, Leo A. B. Joosten, Rob J.W. Arts, Christine Stabell Benn, Bastiaan A. Blok
Rok vydání: 2020
0301 basic medicine
Microbiology (medical)
lnfectious Diseases and Global Health Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences [Radboudumc 4]
Heterologous effects

complex mixtures
Typhoid fever
03 medical and health sciences
Random Allocation
Young Adult
0302 clinical medicine
Immune system
Immune Tolerance
030212 general & internal medicine
Typhoid Fever
Innate immune system

Typhoid-Paratyphoid Vaccines
Antibody titer
General Medicine
Salmonella typhi
Acquired immune system

3. Good health
030104 developmental biology
Infectious Diseases
lnfectious Diseases and Global Health Radboud Institute for Health Sciences [Radboudumc 4]
Immunoglobulin G
BCG Vaccine
Original Article
BCG vaccine
Typhoid fever vaccine
Zdroj: European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 39, 1177-1184
European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases
European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 39, 6, pp. 1177-1184
Blok, B A, Arts, R J W, van Crevel, R, Aaby, P, Joosten, L A B, Benn, C S & Netea, M G 2020, ' Differential effects of BCG vaccine on immune responses induced by vi polysaccharide typhoid fever vaccination : an explorative randomized trial ', European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, vol. 39, no. 6, pp. 1177-1184 . https://doi.org/10.1007/s10096-020-03813-y
ISSN: 0934-9723
Popis: The Vi polysaccharide typhoid fever vaccine (TFV) provides incomplete protection against typhoid fever. BCG, the vaccine against tuberculosis, can potentiate immune responses to other vaccines through induction of trained innate immunity and heterologous adaptive immunity. We performed an explorative, randomized, noncontrolled open trial to investigate whether BCG vaccination increases humoral and cellular response to TFV and whether BCG and TFV modulate nonspecific immune responses. Thirty volunteers were randomized to receive either TFV alone or BCG followed by TFV after 2 weeks. Ex vivo leukocyte responses and anti-Vi IgG antibody titers were measured 2 weeks and 3 months after TFV. BCG administration prior to TFV vaccination did not increase specific humoral or cellular immune responses to Salmonella typhi. TFV vaccination decreased pro-inflammatory responses to non-related stimuli. This effect was counteracted by prior BCG administration, which also led to decreased IL-10 and increased IL-22 responses to non-related stimuli. In an in vitro model of trained immunity TFV led to immunotolerance, which was partially reversed by BCG-induced trained immunity. BCG does not modulate adaptive immune responses to TFV but partially prevents inhibition of innate immune responses induced by TFV. Nonspecific effects of vaccines to unrelated microbial stimuli must be considered in the evaluation of their biological effects (ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02175420).
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