Identification of a calculus from a hippopotamus

Autor: F. A. Bannister, Kenneth P. Oakley, Max H. Hey
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Nature. 160(4066)
ISSN: 0028-0836
Popis: During a recent visit to Nairobi, one of us (K. P. O.) secured, for purposes of determination, a fragment of a brown calculus of rather unusual origin which is preserved in the Kenya Game Department. Captain A. T. A. Bitchie, chief game warden, said that according to report this ‘stone’ was found in a hippopotamus killed on the Tana River some years ago. It was cut out of the animal by a native skinner, whose employer had passed it to Captain Bitchie. The location of the calculus in the animal was not recorded.
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