Serum factors inhibiting some leukocytic functions in Hodgkin's disease

Autor: Giovanni Carulli, Antonio Azzara, R Polidori, Mario Petrini, Ml Vatteroni, Fabio Ambrogi, Francesco Caracciolo
Rok vydání: 1982
Popis: The presence of leukocyte inhibitory factor(s) (S-LIF) in the serum of patients with Hodgkin's disease (HD) has been investigated. It was possible to demonstrate the inhibitory activity in 50% of the patients by employing the agarose plate method. The PHA response in these patients has been found to be reduced. A linear correlation exists between this reduction and the presence of S-LIF in the sera. In order to assess some biological properties of these sera, chemotaxis and phagocytosis of normal cells in the presence of sera from patients with HD have been investigated and both these leukocyte functions have been found to be reduced. The inhibitory capacity was detectable in the same sera which exhibited S-LIF activity and a close linear correlation could be shown. In order to assess whether S-LIF had the same properties of in vitro produced LIF, two monosaccharides were added: l -fucose, capable of blocking the inhibitory activity of LIF, and glucose, which does not block this activity. Surprisingly the addition of l -fucose and glucose greatly enhanced the inhibitory activity of S-LIF. These observations clarify the relationship between the presence of S-LIF and the immunological status in patients with HD and give some indications of the characterization of this (these) factor(s).
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