Sensitive and specific assay for the simultaneous detection of Mycoplasma genitalium and macrolide resistance-associated mutations

Autor: Tim T Severs, Yevgeniy S. Belousov, Walt Mahoney, Joyce F Braam, Sebastian van Marm, Johannes G Kusters
Přispěvatelé: Integrative Neurophysiology
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 37(11), 2137-2144. Springer Verlag
Braam, J F, van Marm, S, Severs, T T, Belousov, Y, Mahoney, W & Kusters, J G 2018, ' Sensitive and specific assay for the simultaneous detection of Mycoplasma genitalium and macrolide resistance-associated mutations ', European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, vol. 37, no. 11, pp. 2137-2144 .
ISSN: 0934-9723
Popis: Patients infected by Mycoplasma genitalium are often treated empirically with the macrolide azithromycin. Macrolide resistance is becoming quite common; empirical treatment is compromised. Sequencing was initially used to detected azithromycin resistance-associated mutations. As this was laborious, qPCRs have been developed for their detection. In the present study, we describe a fast, sensitive, and specific qPCR assay that enables routine testing of M. genitalium and macrolide resistance-associated mutations in a single assay. M. genitalium positive clinical samples were used to compare (i) the commonly used MgPa assay for the detection of M. genitalium infections (MgPa qPCR), (ii) a combined 23S rRNA gene PCR/sequencing assay (Mg23S qPCR/Sequencing) to identify macrolide resistance-associated mutations, and (iii) our newly developed probe-based melt curve qPCR for simultaneous detection of M. genitalium and macrolide resistance-associated mutations (Macrolide-R/MG ELITe MGB Kit, Elitech Bothel USA in short Mg MacrolideR qPCR). Specificity of the qPCR was tested using urogenital samples that were tested positive for a range of other micro-organisms. M. genitalium was detected in 196/236 (83.1%) samples by the MgPa qPCR, versus 172/236 (72.9%) by the combined Mg23S qPCR/Sequencing, and 202/236 (85.6%) by the Mg MacrolideR qPCR. The Mg MacrolideR qPCR showed high concordance to the Mg23S qPCR/Sequencing assay (201 vs 202 could be genotyped, respectively) for the detection of the macrolide resistant mutations. None of the other urogenital pathogens were tested positive in the Mg MacrolideR qPCR, indicating specificity. The Mg MacrolideR qPCR is fast, sensitive, specific, and can easily be implemented in the routine diagnostics.
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