Impact of the energetic landscape on polariton condensates' propagation along a coupler

Autor: Alexey V. Yulin, H. Suchomel, Ulf Peschel, Sebastian Klembt, Luis Viña, Martin Klaas, Oleg A. Egorov, M. D. Martín, Christian Schneider, Johannes Beierlein, Sven Höfling, Ivan A. Shelykh, E. Rozas
Přispěvatelé: UAM. Departamento de Física de Materiales, Raunvísindastofnun (HÍ), Science Institute (UI), Verkfræði- og náttúruvísindasvið (HÍ), School of Engineering and Natural Sciences (UI), Háskóli Íslands, University of Iceland, University of St Andrews. Condensed Matter Physics, University of St Andrews. School of Physics and Astronomy
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Biblos-e Archivo. Repositorio Institucional de la UAM
Popis: Publisher's version (útgefin grein)
Polariton condensates' propagation is strongly dependent on the particular energy landscape the particles are moving upon, in which the geometry of the pathway laid for their movement plays a crucial role. Bends in the circuit's trajectories affect the condensates' speed and oblique geometries introduce an additional discretization of the polaritons' momenta due to the mixing of short and long axis wavevectors on the propagating eigenvalues. In this work, the nature of the propagation of condensates along the arms of a polariton coupler is studied by a combination of time-resolved micro-tomography measurements and a theoretical model based on a mean field approximation where condensed polaritons are described by an equation for the slow varying amplitude of the polariton field coupled to an equation for the density of incoherent excitons.
E.R. and J.B. contributed equally to this work. This work has been partly supported by the Spanish MINECO Grant No. MAT2017‐83722‐R. E.R. acknowledges financial support from the FPI Scholarship No. BES‐2015‐074708. The Würzburg and Jena group acknowledge financial support within the DFG project PE 523/18‐1, KL3124/2‐1 and SCHN1376 3‐1. The Würzburg group is grateful for support from the state of Bavaria and within the Würzburg‐Dresden Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat. A.Y. and I.A.S. thank the Russian Science Foundation for financial support, Project No. 18‐72‐10110.
Databáze: OpenAIRE