Autor: Candan Semra Paksoy, Burcu Kirşan Büyükkoçak
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Volume: 29, Issue: 4 550-555
Atatürk Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi
ISSN: 1300-9044
Popis: Aim: The aim of this study is to evaluate the relationship between nasal septum deviations, volumes of paranasal sinuses and Lund-Mackay scores related with the presence of rhinosinusitis in cone-beam computed tomography images, which is currently been used in dental radiology. Material and method: CBCT images of 130 patients aged between 18 and 79 years with paranasal sinus area in our study were evaluated retrospectively. The correlation between the Lund-Mackay scores related with the presence of rhinosinusitis, the paranasal sinus volumes and nasal septum deviations which is an anatomic variation commonly seen in the community were examined. Results: Of the 130 patients who constituted the study group, 103 (%79.2) had nasal septum deviations, 53 (%51.5) to the right and 50 (%48.5) to the left. The total Lund-Mackay scores of individuals with nasal septum deviation were significantly higher than those without nasal septum deviation (p≤0.05). According to the results of our study, right and left maxillary, frontal, sphenoid and ethmoid sinus volumes were 13.6 cm³, 14.5 cm³, 6.2 cm³, 9.7 cm³, 8.7 cm³ respectively. Conclusion: As an alternative of Computed Tomography, which is accepted as gold standard to evaluate the relationship between nasal septum deviation and paranasal sinus volume with the presence of rhinosinusitis, Cone Beam Computerized Tomography, which allows a 3-dimensional radiological examination with a lower dose of radiation, may be used instead. Keyword Paranazal Sinuslerin Hacimleri, Rinosinuzit Varligi ve Nasal Septum Deviasyonlari Arasindaki Iliskinin KIBT Goruntulerinde Retrospektif Olarak Degerlendirilmesi Amac: Calismanin amaci, gunumuzde dis hekimligi radyolojisinde kullanilan Konik Isinli Bilgisayarli Tomografi goruntulerinde nazal septum deviasyonlari ve paranazal sinuslerin hacimleri ile Lund-Mackay skorlari ve buna bagli rinosinuzit varligi arasindaki iliskiyi degerlendirmektir. Gerec ve Yontem: Calismamizda paranazal sinus bolgesinin goruntu alani icinde bulundugu, yaslari 18 ile 79 arasinda degisen 130 hastaya ait KIBT goruntusu retrospektif olarak degerlendirilmistir. Toplumda yaygin olarak gorulen anatomik varyasyon olan nazal septum deviasyonu ile paranazal sinus hacimleri ve Lund-Mackay skorlari ile buna bagli rinosinuzit varligi arasindaki iliski incelenmistir. Bulgular: Calisma grubunu olusturan 130 hastanin, 53’u (%51,5) saga, 50’si (48,5) sola olmak uzere 103’unde (%79,2) nazal septum deviasyonu bulunmustur. Nazal septum deviasyonu olan bireylerin toplam Lund-Mackay skorlari ve buna bagli rinosinuzit varligi, deviasyonu olmayanlara gore anlamli duzeyde yuksek bulunmustur (p≤0.05). Calismamizin sonuclarina gore, sag ve sol maksiller, frontal, sphenoid ve etmoid sinus hacimleri sirasiyla 13.6 cm³, 14.5 cm³, 6.2 cm³, 9.7 cm³, 8.7 cm³ bulunmustur. Sonuc: Nazal septum deviasyonu ve paranazal sinus hacminin rinosinuzit varligi ile arasindaki iliskinin degerlendirilmesinde altin standart olarak kabul edilen Bilgisayarli Tomografiye alternatif olarak; daha dusuk radyasyon dozuyla 3 boyutlu incelemeye olanak saglayan Konik Isinli Bilgisayarli Tomografi tercih edilebilir. Anahtar Kelimeler: KIBT, nazal septum deviasyonu, paranazal sinuslerin hacmi, Lund-Mackay Skorlamasi, kronik rinosinuzit s: CBCT, nasal septum deviation, volume of paranasal sinuses, Lund-Mackay Score, chronic rhinosinusitis.
Databáze: OpenAIRE