Autor: Hohoniants, Spartak, Kryshhenko, Valerij
Jazyk: ukrajinština
Rok vydání: 2018
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1472931
Popis: The article presents an approach to the adequacy analysis of the radar support model for air defense forces and means using the method of reverse transition. The approach idea is based on a description of the formal consequences of the hypotheses and assumptions adopted, based on the peculiarities of radar support for air defense forces and means. The criterion for the adequacy of the model evaluation is the equality of relative losses mathematical expectations of the of radio troops formation, for the arbitrary law of the distribution of random events by performing operations with only mathematical expectations. The convenience of the described approach is determined by its simplicity and clear logic in determining the formal consequences of the hypotheses and assumptions adopted and creates the preconditions for its use, if necessary, to take into account additional factors, the importance of which influence on the results of radar support may change during the radar support.
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