Majda Merše, France Novak, Francka Premk, Slovar jezika slovenskih protestantskih piscev 16. stoletja, Poskusni snopič (Ljubljana 2001)

Autor: Peter Weiss
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: Jezikoslovni zapiski
Popis: The Section for Historical Dictionaries of the Fran Ramovs Institute of the Slovenian Language issued the pilot fascicle of the Dictionary of the 16th Century Slovenian Protestant Writers. It was compiled by Majda Merse and France Novak with the co-operation of Francka Premk. Beside a comprehensive introductory part the pilot fascicle brings several common nouns presented as main entries. As such it presents a firm basis on which the lexicographical principles of the planned - and much needed - dictionary can be assessed, and enables the reviewer to examine thoroughly the realization of these principles.
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