Controlling Offsite Movement of Agricultural Chemical Residues: Alfalfa

Autor: Lawrence J. Schwankl, Mick Canevari, Rachael Freeman Long, Terry Prichard
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Prichard, Terry; Long, Rachael Freeman; Canevari, Mick; & Schwankl, Lawrence J.(2016). Controlling Offsite Movement of Agricultural Chemical Residues: Alfalfa. Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources Communication Services: ANR Publications. Retrieved from:
Popis: This publication will help alfalfa growers reduce offsite movement of pesticides in surface water. Covered is the current regulatory approach to surface water protection; background information on the safe and effective use of pesticides, integrated pest management, and handling runoff water. Included are flowcharts for specific management practices and field conditions that can help you undertake a self-assessment of the potential risk of offsite movement. When followed systematically from beginning to end, the flowcharts will guide you through a step-by-step evaluation of your operation to identify potential problem areas. After completing the self assessment you can understand and implement management practices to address problem areas.
Databáze: OpenAIRE