Connecting 1D and 2D Confined Polymer Dynamics to Its Bulk Behavior via Density Scaling

Autor: Simone Napolitano, Roksana Winkler, Karolina Adrjanowicz, Marian Paluch, Andrzej Dzienia
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: ACS macro letters, 8 (3
Popis: Under confinement, the properties of polymers can be much different from the bulk. Because of the potential applications in technology and hope to reveal fundamental problems related to the glass-transition, it is important to realize whether the nanoscale and macroscopic behavior of polymer glass-formers are related to each other in any simple way. In this work, we have addressed this issue by studying the segmental dynamics of poly(4-chlorostyrene) (P4ClS) in the bulk and upon geometrical confinement at the nanoscale level, in either one- (thin films on Al substrate) or two- (within alumina nanopores) dimensions. The results demonstrate that the segmental relaxation time, irrespective of the confinement size or its dimensionality, can be scaled onto a single curve when plotted versus γ /T with the same single scaling exponent, γ = 3.1, obtained via measurements at high pressures in bulk. The implication is that the macro- and nanoscale confined polymer dynamics are intrinsically connected and governed by the same underlying rules.
SCOPUS: ar.j
Databáze: OpenAIRE