Bio-Regenerative Life Support System Development for Lunar/Mars Habitats

Autor: David Story, Gene A. Giacomelli, Madhu Thangavelu, Giorgio Boscheri, Roberto Furfaro, Cesare Lobascio, Marzia Pirolli, Phil Sadler, Maria Catalina, Lane Patterson, Roberta Remiddi, Murat Kacira
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Scopus-Elsevier
Popis: Bio-regenerative Life Support Systems (BLSS) uses biological processes to support an astronaut crew, and includes atmosphere revitalization, water recycling, food production, and organic waste recycling. The University of Arizona Controlled Environment Agriculture Center (UA-CEAC), Systems and Industrial Engineering Department, Sadler Machine Co. (USA) and Italian collaborators, Thales Alenia Space Italia (TAS-I), Aero-Sekur, SpA, and University of Naples Federico II are developing BLSS for future Lunar/Mars surface missions. Current efforts at UA-CEAC include operation of four BLSS Lunar Greenhouse (LGH) Prototype Units with the primary purpose of demonstrating poly-culture production of food crops in a semi-closed gaseous cycle, and preliminary efforts of waste DWEComposting, Solar Concentrating Plant Lighting/Power System, and System Monitoring/Telepresence Support. TAS-I, the University of Naples, and Aero-Sekur BLSS efforts in Italy include operation of Recyclab, the EDEN chamber, and the development of space plant growth chambers. UA-CEAC efforts are supported by NASA Ralph Steckler Phase II Space Grant while the Italian collaborators have been supported by ESA, ASI, and regional, and internal sources. Based on NASA crop production area estimates the LGH with its four modules will support a four person crew with 100% of their water/atmosphere
Databáze: OpenAIRE