SWAT: Seamless Web Authentication Technology

Autor: Rochet, Florentin, Efthymiadis, Kyriakos, Koeune, François, Pereira, Olivier, The World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2019)
Přispěvatelé: UCL - SST/ICTM/ELEN - Pôle en ingénierie électrique, Informatics and Applied Informatics, Artificial Intelligence
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: WWW
Popis: We present a seamless challenge-response authentication protocol which leverages on the variations of html5 canvas rendering made by the software and hardware stacks. After a training phase that leads to feature extraction with deep learning techniques, a server becomes able to authenticate a user based on fresh canvasses, hence avoiding replay attacks. The whole authentication process is natively supported by any mainstream browser, stateless on client side and can be transparent to the user. We argue that those features facilitate deployment and composition with other authentication mechanisms without lowering the user experience. We present the threat model against which our protocol is expected to live and discuss its security. We also present a prototype implementation of our protocol and report on a real-word experimentation that we ran in order to analyze its efficiency and effectiveness.
Databáze: OpenAIRE