Ekshumacja, której (prawie) nie było. Prace archeologiczno-ekshumacyjne w Jedwabnem w 2001 r. i ich wyniki

Autor: Krzysztof Persak
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: National Information Processing Institute
ISSN: 2657-3571
Popis: This article describes the course, scope, and results of the exhumation/archaeological excavation conducted in 2001 at the crime scene at Jedwabne and also the conclusions those works pointed to. The outcome of those works has never been presented to the public in a methodical and exhaustive way. Nevertheless, the issue of the unfinished exhumation of the victims of the 1941 pogrom of Jews constitutes one of the key elements in the revisionist current of the debate on Jedwabne. This article explains, for instance, the origin of the firearm ammunition elements found at the crime scene, the presence of which constitutes one of the fundamental arguments in the negationist discourse. The source basis for this text is mostly the files of the investigation conducted during 2000–2003 by the Bialystok branch of the Commission for the Prosecution of Crimes against the Polish Nation.
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