On the Influence of the Ionization-Recombination Processes on the Hydrogen Plasma Polytropic Index

Autor: I. M. Dimitrova, Todor M. Mishonov, Albert M. Varonov
Přispěvatelé: Albert Varonov, Todor Mishonov
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: The polytropic (adiabatic) index for pure hydrogen plasma is analytically calculated as function of reciprocal temperature and degree of ionization. Additionally, the polytropic index is graphically represented as a function of temperature and density. It is concluded that the partially ionized hydrogen plasma cannot be exactly polytropic. The calculated deviations from the mono-atomic value 5/3 are measurable. The analytical result for pure hydrogen plasma is a test example how this approach can be extended for arbitrary gas cocktail.
5 pages, 4 figures, 32 refs
Databáze: OpenAIRE