Distribution of peripheral blood leukocytes in acute heatstroke

Autor: A. Bouchama, K. al Hussein, C. Adra, M. Rezeig, E. al Shail, S. al Sedairy
Zdroj: Europe PubMed Central
Popis: We examined 11 heatstroke patients (mean rectal temperature 41.4 +/- 0.3 degrees C) and 40 healthy subjects to determine the effects of hyperthermia on peripheral blood leukocyte distribution. Precooling samples were taken on admission. Whole blood was incubated with conjugated monoclonal antibodies, and erythrocytes were eliminated by FACS lysing solution. Lymphocyte subsets were detected by specific mouse monoclonal antibodies: Leu-4/CD3+ (T-cells), Leu-3a/CD4+ (T-helper cells), Leu-2a/CD8+ (T-suppressor-cytotoxic cells), Leu-11/19/CD16+/CD56+ (natural killer cells), and Leu-12/CD19+ (B-cells). Immunofluorescence was measured with a flow cytometer. The number of circulating leukocytes and lymphocytes was significantly increased in heatstroke patients. This lymphocytosis was mainly due to an increase in T-suppressor-cytotoxic cells and natural killer cells. The absolute number of lymphocytes and T-suppressor-cytotoxic cells significantly correlated with the degree of hyperthermia (r = 0.62, P = 0.04; r = 0.751, P = 0.007, respectively). There was a significant decrease in the percentages of T-, B-, and T-helper cells and increase in T-suppressor-cytotoxic and natural killer cells, giving a marked decrease in the ratio of T-helper to T-suppressor-cytotoxic cells. We conclude that heatstroke is associated with leukocytosis and significant alteration in absolute number and percentage of circulating lymphocyte subpopulations.
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