Genome-Wide Profiling of DNA Methyltransferases in Mammalian Cells

Autor: Tuncay Baubec, Massimiliano Manzo, Christina Ambrosi
Přispěvatelé: University of Zurich, Vavouri, Tanya, Peinado, Miguel A, Baubec, Tuncay
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Methods in Molecular Biology ISBN: 9781493977673
Methods Mol Biol
Popis: Chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by high-throughput sequencing (ChIP-seq) is currently the method of choice to determine binding sites of chromatin-associated factors in a genome-wide manner. Here, we describe a method to investigate the binding preferences of mammalian DNA methyltransferases (DNMT) based on ChIP-seq using biotin-tagging. Stringent ChIP of DNMT proteins based on the strong interaction between biotin and avidin circumvents limitations arising from low antibody specificity and ensures reproducible enrichment. DNMT-bound DNA fragments are ligated to sequencing adaptors, amplified and sequenced on a high-throughput sequencing instrument. Bioinformatic analysis gives valuable information about the binding preferences of DNMTs genome-wide and around promoter regions. This method is unconventional due to the use of genetically engineered cells; however, it allows specific and reliable determination of DNMT binding.
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