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В статье рассматривается специфика коммуникативного портрета Максима Геннадьевича Решетникова, который, будучи одним из самых молодых российских губернаторов, уже успел проявить себя как успешный коммуникатор. The aim of the study is to reveal the specific features of the communicative portrait of Maksim Gennad'evich Reshetnikov, who is one of the youngest Russian governors and a successful communicator. The textual material under study includes transcripts of Reshetnikov's public speeches of 2017-2019. Two press conferences and a speech (a lecture followed by question answering) at his meeting with Perm Krai students were chosen for detailed analysis. The research method used is based on the model of linguistic portrait generation reflecting the linguistic personality's parameters worked out by Yu. N. Karaulov (linguocognitive, communicative and idiostylistic), but the focus of attention in the article rests on communi-cative strategies and tactics employed by the governor in the speeches under study. Политическая лингвистика, Issue № 1 (79), Pages 52-57 |