Optical frequency dependence of the light shift effect for vector magnetometry with cesium

Autor: Janet W. Lou, Geoffrey A. Cranch
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Applied optics. 59(7)
ISSN: 1539-4522
Popis: Atomic vapor magnetometers have demonstrated very high sensitivity to the magnitude of the magnetic field. Vector field measurements are possible using bias fields applied to the vapor. For remote operation, the bias field can be generated using the optical light shift (LS) effect created with an optical beam delivered through optical fiber. Here, it is shown that the optical frequency of the LS effect for an optically pumped vapor vector magnetometer causes an angular error in the measured field orientation when it is tuned near the absorption resonances, countering the benefit of higher response. This angle-shifting effect is dependent on the LS beam power. The LS response, normalized to the LS power, is higher for lower powers due to a saturation effect but also shows a dependence on the LS optical frequency. We show that it is necessary to carefully choose the LS optical frequency and power to maximize the LS effect while avoiding potential angular error.
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