Spatial Resolution Improvement of EEG Source Reconstruction Using swLORETA

Autor: Jihene Boughariou, M. Ben Slima, Wassim Zouch, A. Ben Hamida, N. Jallouli
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: IEEE transactions on nanobioscience. 14(7)
ISSN: 1558-2639
Popis: Electroencephalography (EEG) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are noninvasive neuro-imaging modalities largely used in neurology explorations. MRI is considered as a static modality and could be so important for anatomy by its high spatial resolution. EEG, on the other hand, is an important tool permitting to image temporal dynamic activities of the human brain. Fusion of these two essential modalities would be hence a so emerging research domain targeting to explore brain activities with the MRI static modality. Our present research investigates a sophisticated approach for localization of the cerebral activity that could be involved by the dynamic EEG modality and carefully illustrated within MRI static modality. Such careful cerebral activity localization would be first based on an advanced methodology yielding therefore a singular value decomposition-based lead field weighting to sLORETA method formalism, for solving in fact the inverse problem in the EEG. The conceived method for source localization, carried out on different cases of simulated dipoles experiments, showed satisfactory results. Different cases of simulated dipoles experiments and metrics were used to confirm the reliability of the proposed method. The experimental results confirm that our method presents a flexible and robust tool for EEG source imaging.
Databáze: OpenAIRE