Prion safety of transfusion plasma and plasma-derivatives typically used for prophylactic treatment

Autor: Tor-Einar Svae, Torben Schmidt, Herwig Reichl, Jürgen Römisch, Andrea Neisser-Svae, Andrea Heger, Lothar Biesert, Andrew Bailey
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Transfusion and Apheresis Science. 39:59-67
ISSN: 1473-0502
DOI: 10.1016/j.transci.2008.05.006
Popis: Reports about transfusion-related transmissions of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease have urged the need for more information regarding the risk for prion contaminated units in the blood supply and the safety of transfusion plasma and biopharmaceuticals derived from this precious raw material. According to a possible epidemiological model, the risk in many European countries is the same or lower than that of human immunodeficiency virus. Comprehensive investigations have shown that the prion safety margin of both single-donor and pooled solvent/detergent treated transfusion plasma is high. Furthermore, prophylactic treatment using plasma-derivatives poses a very low risk in terms of prion disease despite extensive lifetime exposure.
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