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The electricityconsumption of compressed air (CA) production and utilisation systems is high, dueto an absence of suitable recovery methods and proper measurements in mostindustrial plants. This situation results in high costs of production andreduced profits. In our study, we therefore investigate the energy-savingpotential of a CA system with the aim of reducing electricity consumption in anindustrial facility. Our study consists of two parts: in the first stage, weevaluate the applicability of methods such as elimination of leakage indistribution lines, loaded-unloaded operation of compressors, and the use of wasteheat recovery system methods, both physically and economically, while in thesecond, we examine the correlations between leakage airflow rate, noise, andsystem pressure in a general CA system and carry out regression analyses, usingthe SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) software program, for thefirst time. Our results suggest that optimised and improved CA systems areenergy-saving solutions when applied in industrial plants. We demonstrate thatthere are strong correlations between the system pressure, air leakagediameter, noise, and annual leakage cost in industrial CA systems. Therelationships between these variables can be expressed as a power model (Y=β×Xn). |