Scattering phenomena for spin transport in a Kitaev spin liquid

Autor: Akihisa Koga, Joji Nasu, Yuta Murakami
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Physical Review B. 106
ISSN: 2469-9969
Popis: The Kitaev model exhibits a canonical quantum spin liquid as a ground state and hosts two fractional quasiparticles, itinerant Majorana fermion and localized flux excitation. The former can carry heat and spin modulations in the quantum spin liquid, but the role of the latter remains unknown for the transport phenomena. Here, we focus on spin transport in the presence of excited fluxes and report that they yield strong interference in the propagation of the Majorana fermions, which feel gauge-like potential emergent around the fluxes. We examine the transient spin dynamics triggered by a pulsed magnetic field at an edge. In the absence of excited fluxes, the magnetic-field pulse creates the plane wave of the Majorana fermions, which flows in the quantum spin liquid. Although this wave does not accompany the change of local spin moments in bulk, it induces local moments at the side opposite to the edge under the magnetic-field pulse. We observe the spatial modulation of induced spin moments when fluxes are excited in the bulk region. This behavior is more striking than the case of lattice defects. Moreover, we find that, although the amplitude of the spatial change is almost independent of the distance between lattice defects, it is strongly enhanced by increasing the distance for the case of excited fluxes. The difference is understood from the influence on the itinerant Majorana fermions; the lattice defects change the system locally, but flux excitations alter all the transfer integrals on the string connecting them. The present results will provide another route to observing intrinsic flux excitations distinguished from extrinsic effects such as lattice defects.
15 pages, 10 figures
Databáze: OpenAIRE