Antiviral action and pathogenetic targets for seaweed sulfated polysaccharides in herpesvirus infections

Autor: Tatyana N. Zvyagintseva, N. N. Besednova, L. M. Somova, Tatiana I. Imbs, T. S. Zaporozhets, I. D. Makarenkova
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Biomeditsinskaya Khimiya. 62:217-227
ISSN: 2310-6905
DOI: 10.18097/pbmc20166203217
Popis: The review summarizes results of studies of effects of sulfated polysaccharides from seaweed on herpesviruses and the course of herpesvirus infections. Importance of this problem is determined by the prevalence of herpesviruses that can persist in the human body and demonstrate a high degree of immune mimicry and resistance to antiviral agents. A wide range of physiological action of sulfated polysaccharides, receptor agonists of innate and adaptive immune cells, which possess potent antiviral, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities, open the possibility of their use for creation of new generation pharmacological substances and agents with associated activity for the treatment of herpesvirus infections.Obobshcheny rezul'taty issledovaniĭ deĭstviia sul'fatirovannykh polisakharidov iz morskikh vodorosleĭ na virusy gerpesa i techenie gerpesvirusnykh infektsiĭ. Aktual'nost' étoĭ problemy opredeliaetsia shirokim rasprostraneniem virusov gerpesa, sposobnykh pozhiznenno persistirovat' v organizme cheloveka, obladaiushchikh vysokoĭ stepen'iu immunnoĭ mimikrii i rezistentnost'iu k antivirusnym preparatam. Shirokiĭ spektr fiziologicheskogo deĭstviia sul'fatirovannykh polisakharidov – agonistov retseptorov kletok vrozhdennogo i adaptivnogo immuniteta, obladaiushchikh vyrazhennoĭ protivovirusnoĭ, antioksidantnoĭ i protivovospalitel'noĭ aktivnost'iu, otkryvaiut vozmozhnost' ikh ispol'zovaniia dlia sozdaniia farmakologicheskikh substantsiĭ i lekarstvennykh sredstv novogo pokoleniia s assotsiirovannoĭ aktivnost'iu dlia lecheniia gerpesvirusnykh infektsiĭ.
Databáze: OpenAIRE