The Impact of Micro-Finance on the Performance of Small-Scale Enterprises: A Comparison of Sinapi Aba Trust and Maata-N-Tudu Associations in Wa Municipality, Ghana

Autor: Agbenyo Fauster
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Ghana Journal of Development Studies; Vol 11, No 2 (2014); 1-13
ISSN: 0855-6768
DOI: 10.4314/gjds.v11i2.1
Popis: Literature on the impact of micro-finance institutions (MFIs) on small and medium scale enterprises (SMEs) is still fraught with inconsistent results, with some concluding on positive impacts while others reporting negative impacts. This paper therefore sets out to assess the impact that the study-MFIs are making on their SMEs-client in the Wa Municipality. The withand- without approach, coupled with a quasi-longitudinal approach was employed for the study. Data were gathered from the study-MFIs’ documents and questionnaire administration. Simple percentage change was used as a measure of growth of mean sales revenue. Analysis of variance (ANOVA), Spearman’s correlation coefficient (r) and coefficient of determination were also used in the analyses, with various hypotheses tests. It is concluded that the study-MFIs make positive impacts on the mean sales revenues of their client – SMEs, with great differences between those of SAT and MTA clients on the one hand and those of the control group on the other. A slight difference that exists between the two study-MFIs was accounted for by differences in their management approaches. A strong positive correlation exists between average sales revenue on one hand and micro loans, level of education and training on the other. Keywords : Small-scale Enterprises, Micro-Financing, Micro-Credit, Sales Revenue, Impact
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