Methane-related community of a carbonate-enriched pockmark, Brazilian Southeastern continental slope

Autor: Fernanda Mancini Nakamura, Rafael Andre Lourenço, Caio Augusto Magalhães, Amanda Gonçalves Bendia, Ana Carolina de Araújo Butarelli, Julia Gasparini Passos, Luiza Ferreira Soares, Raissa Basti Ramos, Tailisi Hoppe Trevizani, Camila Negrão Signori, Michel Michaelovitch de Mahiques, Paulo Yukio Gomes Sumida, Vivian Helena Pellizari
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Ocean and Coastal Research, Volume: 70 Supplement 2, Article number: e22046, Published: 05 DEC 2022
Popis: Supplementary Material of the article "Methane-related community of a carbonate-enriched pockmark, Brazilian Southeastern continental slope" -SF1. Sediment sampling in Box-corer, presenting the core positioning and sediment surface color -SM1. Organic compounds - Analytical procedures -SM2. Sediment dark carbon fixation (DCF) and Heterotrophic Microbial Production (HMP) - Analytical procedures -SF2. Rarefaction curve -SM3. Methodology details for the functional prediction database -ST1. ASVs alpha diversity indexes grouped by enrichment type and incubation time -SF3. Microbial community composition of deep-sea sediments of a pockmark of the Brazilian Southeastern Atlantic enriched with methane. Sequences were taxonomically classified using the Silva database v. 138 -SF4.Upset Plot composed by bacterial and archaeal ASVs detected on the harvesting times of the methane incubation of deep-sea intact pockmark sediment cores of Brazilian SE Atlantic. Blacklinesconnectingcirclesindicatesharedtaxonomies. Black points solely indicate unique taxonomy presence per set. Vertical bars indicate intersection size (number of complete taxonomies, up to Species from the assignment with Silva v.138) on each set. Datasets: Control_16h, cores without CH4 input harvested after 16h; Control_940h, core without CH4 input harvested on 40th day; Enriched_16h, core with CH4 input harvested after 16h; Enriched_120h, core with CH4 input harvested on the 5th day; Enriched_240h, core with CH4 input harvested on the 10th day; Enriched_720h, core with CH4 input harvested on the 30th day; Enriched_960h, core with CH4 input harvested on the 40th day. -SF5. Methane-enriched differentially abundant taxa recovered with ANCOM statistics
Databáze: OpenAIRE