[Lessons learnt from 101 hemispherotomies in children with symptomatic epilepsy. Part I: seizure outcome]

Autor: L V Shishkina, M.O. Demin, A G Melikyan, I.A. Nagorskaya, S B Buklina, A B Kozlova, E.I. Shults, P.A. Vlasov, Yu V Strunina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Zhurnal voprosy neirokhirurgii imeni N. N. Burdenko. 85(5)
ISSN: 0042-8817
Popis: OBJECTIVE To evaluate variables that may predict the outcome after hemispherotomy basing on a retrospective study of a large consecutive pediatric cohort of patients from a single institution. MATERIAL AND METHODS One hundred and one patients with refractory seizures and variable decline in development (n=78) underwent hemispherotomy (med. age - 43 months, med. epilepsy history - 30 months). Developmental pathology was the anatomical substrate of disorder in 42 patients, while the infantile post-stroke scarring and gliosis was its origin in the majority of 43 cases with acquired etiology. The progressive pathology (the Rasmussen encephalitis, Sturge-Weber angiomatosis and tuberous sclerosis) was the etiology in 16 children. Left-sided hemisphere was impaired in 54 cases; some contralateral anatomical and potentially epileptogenic MRI-abnormalities were noted also in «healthy» hemisphere in ¼ of all cases. Eight patients needed second surgery to complete sectioning of undercut commissural fibers. FU is known in 91 patients (med. - 1.5 years) and 73 of them were free of seizures (80.2%), but only 30 of 40 patients with FU > 2 years were still SF (75%). All but one of re-do hemispherotomies were successful. AED-treatment was discontinued in 46 cases and tapered in other 27 patients. Up to 90% of kids demonstrated some improvement in behavior and cognition. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION Developmental pathology, infantile spasms and younger age onset of seizures are negative predictors for achievement of SF-status (p
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