Gastrostomy site infections: Dealing with a common problem

Autor: Valerie Edwards-Jones, Anne Leahy-Gilmartin
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: British Journal of Community Nursing. 18:S8-S13
ISSN: 2052-2215
Popis: The most popular method of providing appropriate nutrition for large numbers of patients with swallowing difficulties is enteral feeding. However this treatment is not without complications, one of which is localized gastrostomy site infection. This is prevented initially by decolonisation of the oropharyngeal tract with antibiotic prophylaxis prior to insertion, and systemic antibiotics post insertion. Later complications include tracking infection, which is rare but can occur. Hypergranulation of the tissue can occur around the gastrostomy tube and this can become colonised or infected leading to further problems for the patient. A good gastrostomy site care pathway plan is required to maintain a healthy site and appropriate treatment required to minimize the infection risk.
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