Supplementary Material, AK_Paper_Supplement_12_01_2015_submission – ADHD Symptoms in a Non-Referred Low Birthweight/Preterm Cohort: Longitudinal Profiles, Outcomes, and Associated Features

Autor: Krasner, Aaron J., J. Blake Turner, Feldman, Judith F., Silberman, Anna E., Fisher, Prudence W., Workman, Catherine C., Posner, Jonathan E., Greenhill, Laurence L., Lorenz, John M., Shaffer, David, Whitaker, Agnes H.
Rok vydání: 2015
DOI: 10.25384/sage.6813083
Popis: Supplementary Material, AK_Paper_Supplement_12_01_2015_submission for ADHD Symptoms in a Non-Referred Low Birthweight/Preterm Cohort: Longitudinal Profiles, Outcomes, and Associated Features by Aaron J. Krasner, J. Blake Turner, Judith F. Feldman, Anna E. Silberman, Prudence W. Fisher, Catherine C. Workman, Jonathan E. Posner, Laurence L. Greenhill, John M. Lorenz, David Shaffer, and Agnes H. Whitaker in Journal of Attention Disorders
Databáze: OpenAIRE