Further demonstration of running-based food avoidance learning in laboratory mice (Mus musculus)

Autor: Sadahiko Nakajima
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Behavioural Processes. 168:103962
ISSN: 0376-6357
DOI: 10.1016/j.beproc.2019.103962
Popis: Voluntary wheel running has hedonically bivalent properties in laboratory rats and mice. While it works as a reward for instrumental performance such as bar pressing, it also functions as an aversive stimulus to establish Pavlovian conditioned avoidance of the paired stimulus. The present study focused on the latter case. Running in closed wheels hampered habituation of a reluctance to eat a target snack in rats (Experiment 1A) and mice (Experiment 1B) trained by pairing access to a target snack with confinement to a wheel attached to the cage. Experiment 2 successfully confirmed and extended this finding with mice running in both open and closed wheels. A differential conditioning procedure employed in Experiment 3 ensured that this phenomenon is specific to the snack paired with running, implying that it reflects Pavlovian conditioned flavor avoidance (CFA). Free exploration in cages without wheels, however, did not results in a CFA.
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