Autoimmune hepatitis-is histology conclusive?

Autor: Andrea Beer, Hans Peter Dienes
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Ann Transl Med
ISSN: 2305-5839
Popis: Liver biopsy is an essential and necessary element in the diagnosis and management of autoimmune hepatitis, and is of very special importance in the scoring system for diagnosis. Histopathology shows moderate to severe inflammatory infiltrates with abundant plasma cells in the enlarged portal tracts with interface hepatitis and moderate to severe necroinflammatory lesions in the lobules with lymphoplasmacytic reaction. Regeneration develops with rosette formation and regenerative nodules. One important issue is the differentiation between acute onset of autoimmune hepatitis and a flare up of chronic disease; this cannot be diagnosed in some cases clinically and therefore requires a biopsy to evaluate the stage of the disease. There are some variants of the disease with cholestatic features such as autoantibody negative autoimmune hepatitis and giant cell hepatitis as well as overlap syndromes with primary biliary cholangitis and primary sclerosing cholangitis. Clinically, three types of autoimmune hepatitis are differentiated according to autoantibody formation and the clinical picture, however, histopathologically there is no difference between these three types. Differential diagnosis of autoimmune hepatitis includes drug-induced liver injury with minocycline, alpha methyldopa, nitrofurantoin and checkpoint inhibitors such as infliximab. Wilson´s disease is also an important differential diagnosis especially in young adults. A liver biopsy is mandatory to confirm the diagnosis of autoimmune hepatitis but histopathology alone is not conclusive.
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