Projector Augmented Wave Method with Gauss-Type Atomic Orbital Basis: Implementation of the Generalized Gradient Approximation and Mesh Grid Quadrature

Autor: Akira Sugiura, Takeshi Yanai, Xiao-Gen Xiong
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 16:4883-4898
ISSN: 1549-9626
Popis: The projector augmented wave (PAW) method is a powerful numerical algorithm that serves as a backend, enabling efficient density functional theory (DFT) calculations through the smoothing of valence electronic descriptions. Although it is mainly used in conjunction with plane-wave basis for solid-state systems, its generality permits the combination with other types of basis functions. In the previous study, we proposed a scheme to incorporate the PAW method into the conventional quantum chemical DFT implementation based on Gauss-type function (GTF) basis (Xiong et al.
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