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O Brasil esta entre os paises com a maior taxa de homicidios entre jovens, e uma das mais crescentes taxas de participacao de jovens na populacao carceraria. Esses dados fortalecem a associacao entre juventudes e violencias e um imaginario social de jovem violento. Esse artigo se propoe a discutir quais as imagens que os jovens envolvidos em trajetorias infracionais fazem acerca de si mesmos e quais as principais imagens produzidas sobre eles pelos principais atores sociais envolvidos no seu cotidiano. Para tanto, partiu-se da apresentacao de fragmentos biograficos de tres jovens em cumprimento de medidas socioeducativas de meio aberto, apreendidas durante campo para dissertacao de mestrado, desenvolvido mediante uma abordagem qualitativa de inspiracao etnografica. Foram encontrados aproximacoes e distanciamentos nas imagens mobilizadas em cada uma das narrativas recontadas, apontando para o fato de que o imaginario social acerca da interseccao entre juventude e violencia e menos homogenea do que faz parecer o senso comum sobre a tematica. Palavras-chave: Imaginarios. Juventude. Narrativas. Imaginaries of juvenile infraction: an analysis of three trajectories of the socioeducation of the open means Abstract Brazil is among the countries with the highest homicide rate among young people, and one of the highest rates of youth participation in the prison population. These data strengthen the association between youths and violence and a social imaginary of violent youth. This article proposes to discuss which images the young people involved in infractional trajectories do about themselves and which are the main images produced on them by the main social actors involved in their daily lives. For that, we started with the presentation of biographical fragments of three young people in compliance with socioeducative measures of open means, seized during field for dissertation of master, developed through a qualitative approach of ethnographic inspiration. We have found approximations and distances in the images mobilized in each of the narratives recounted, pointing to the fact that the social imaginary about the intersection between youth and violence is less homogeneous than does common sense on the subject. Key words: Imaginaries. Youth. Narratives. |