Mobile Phone-Delivered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia: A Randomized Waitlist Controlled Trial

Autor: Horsch, C., Lancee, J., Both, F., Spruit, A.G.L., Fitrianie, S., Neerincx, M.A., Beun, R.J., Brinkman, W.P., Sub Multimedia, Sub Content & Knowledge Engineering begr, Multimedia
Přispěvatelé: Klinische Psychologie (Psychologie, FMG), Sub Multimedia, Sub Content & Knowledge Engineering begr, Multimedia
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Journal of Medical Internet Research, 19(4):e70. Journal of medical Internet Research
Journal of Medical Internet Research, 19(4)
Journal of Medical Internet Research
Journal of Medical Internet Research, 19(4). Journal of medical Internet Research
ISSN: 1439-4456
Popis: Background: This study is one of the first randomized controlled trials investigating cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) delivered by a fully automated mobile phone app. Such an app can potentially increase the accessibility of insomnia treatment for the 10% of people who have insomnia. Objective: The objective of our study was to investigate the efficacy of CBT-I delivered via the Sleepcare mobile phone app, compared with a waitlist control group, in a randomized controlled trial. Methods: We recruited participants in the Netherlands with relatively mild insomnia disorder. After answering an online pretest questionnaire, they were randomly assigned to the app (n=74) or the waitlist condition (n=77). The app packaged a sleep diary, a relaxation exercise, sleep restriction exercise, and sleep hygiene and education. The app was fully automated and adjusted itself to a participant’s progress. Program duration was 6 to 7 weeks, after which participants received posttest measurements and a 3-month follow-up. The participants in the waitlist condition received the app after they completed the posttest questionnaire. The measurements consisted of questionnaires and 7-day online diaries. The questionnaires measured insomnia severity, dysfunctional beliefs about sleep, and anxiety and depression symptoms. The diary measured sleep variables such as sleep efficiency. We performed multilevel analyses to study the interaction effects between time and condition. Results: The results showed significant interaction effects (P
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