Patterns of antibody reactivity to selected human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) gp160 epitopes infected individuals grouped according to CD4+ cell levels

Autor: Patrick Kanda, H Wolf, R. A. Zajac, R. N. Boswell, R Q Warren, Ronald C. Kennedy
Rok vydání: 1991
Zdroj: Journal of clinical immunology. 11(1)
ISSN: 0271-9142
Popis: We examined sera from 160 HIV-infected individuals for antibodies reactive to HIV-1 gp160 epitopes defined by seven synthetic peptides. Seropositive individuals were placed into three groups based upon levels of circulating CD4+ cells. These groups consisted of individuals with (1) more than 400 CD4+ cells, (2) 200–400 CD4+ cells, and (3) fewer than 200 CD4+ cells/mm3. The percentage of sera containing antibodies reactive with two immunodominant gp160 epitopes (a.a. 304–321 and 600–611) was unchanged between groups, regardless of CD4 cell numbers. The percentage of sera containing antibodies reactive with weakly immunogenic gp160 epitopes, such as those defined by peptides 425–448 and 846–860, declined in the groups as CD4 values decreased. Our results suggest that the patterns of antibody reactivity to gp160 epitopes change as CD4 levels decline. A narrowing of the humoral immune response to epitopes on the envelope of HIV-1 appears to occur with disease progression.
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